
Seriously guys. What's the word? A book a day keeps the doctors away? Well I don't exactly read a book per day, but I do read a lot! Either books, fanfictions, other people blogs. I read. I love how words could provoke our thoughts and emotions, save lives, helping people, give confindence and happiness and change our lives forever. I mean, you travel to a different lives when you read, of course you won't be the same after finishing it.

Of course I don't spend my entire free time reading. Sometimes you could find me fixed on my laptop, just browsing the internet while listening to music. Other times you could find me on Tumblr. It's the best website to find pictures, edits, fanarts and aesthetics for your fandom. SO MANY TALENTED PEOPLE. I also love watching TV shows. Some of my favorites are Sherlock, Supernatural, and Empire. Sometimes, when I feel artsy, I draw and make bookmarks. They aren't that good though, so it's for personal use only ;) And if you can't find me anywhere, well that means that I'm enjoying what the real world has to offer. Food, places, cute puppies, and sleep. Deep, peaceful sleep.

And also, as you can see, I also run a blog. What is this blog about, you ask? Well, this blog is for readers (or non-readers) who wants to read my review about book, or join in a discussion about bookish things with me. I also posted about TV shows, things that going on in my life, and things that happened online. So yeah, this blog is about everything that I love. And I hope you'll enjoy them too!

Starting this August, I'll study biology in one private university in my hometown. YOUR BABY IS ALL GROWN UP. Ahem. Other than that, I'm trying to learn Spanish and Latin, and trying to understand HTML and CSS. Not pretty successful with the last part, but I'm still trying *shrugs*


All books are purchased with my own money unless otherwise stated. Reviews are mine, not sponsored unless otherwise stated. Pictures are from various sources, contact me if you want me to give you credit or take down the pictures :)

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2016 Reading Challenge
Tasya has read 2 books toward her goal of 70 books.