The Grinch Book Tag

9:00 AM

It's almost here guys! Only 4 days left before Christmas, so let's do some Christmas-theme post!

"How the Grinch Stole Christmas" is a very famous book by Dr. Seuss, which was adapted into a movie that starred little Taylor Momsen. No guys we're not talking about the movie. Basically the Grinch is green, grumpy, and anti-christmas. So in today's post, I want to share my inner Grinch with you guys *winks*

I saw this tag on Alice @ The Book Castle blog. You could do it if you want :)

1. Half of the lights on the Christmas tree are burnt out

Name a book/series/character that started out good but then went downhill 

I really enjoyed City of Bones and City of Ashes. Then we have City of Glass and it all went downhill. Clary and Jace just got too clingy and inseparable and they're getting on my nerves. And then the series goes from a trilogy into a 6-books series. UGH.

2. Annoying Great Aunt Sally who will not leave you alone

Name a book that you didn't enjoy, but everyone else seems to love so it never goes away

I just don't understand the hype about this book! It doesn't have original ideas, I mean this book is just a mix of other famous dystopian books, and it's pretty predictable. Plus the romance is just NO. The chemistry was non-existent.

3. Your pets keep knocking over the Christmas decoration

Name a character that kept messing things up for everyone else (can't pick a villain!)

Okay, so this one is a childhood favorite. Edgar & Ellen are twins that live in a tower (sort of) and no one knows where their parents are. Since they have no parents, they're kind of wild and keep doing pranks and ruining the city life. It was pretty entertaining to read though!

4. You hear your parents putting out the presents and learn Santa isn't real

Name a book you were spoiled for

I just bought this book earlier today, even though I already know how it ends. I just love this series that much. Thanks for the spoiler, internet :):)

5. It's freezing outside

Name a main character you just couldn't connect with
I have nothing against anxiety. But Cath really gets on my nerves. She's socially incapable and just.... I don't know... She get out of her shell eventually, but still...

6. Mariah Carey's 'All I Want for Christmas is You' and it's giving you anti-romantic feelings

Name a couple you couldn't stand
THIS WAS THE WORST CLACE BOOK OKAY??? The only thing that kept me going through this series is because it only have one more book left. I have come too far to stop.

7. That scratchy homemade wool sweater you got for Christmas years ago but won't get rid of

Show some books that have been sitting on your shelves for a while, and you aren't motivated to read, but you don't have the heart to get rid of 
I've owned this book for a while, but never really been in a mood to read it, because well, it's intimidating! 800 pages! But yeah I'm currently reading this right now so let's just hope I'll love it.

8. Grandma Got Runover by a Reindeer

Name a character death you still are mad about (warn people for spoilers! You can also use TV or movie deaths)

*sigh* You know which characters I meant in Teen Wolf. The season 3 finale kills part of me. And the Mockingjay's deaths... well all of them are awful!

9. The malls are overly crowded with holiday shoppers 

Name a series that has too many books in it/went on too long

I never got past the 8th book. It's just too long and repetitive.

10. The Grinch

Name a main character you HATE (No villians again!)

Lena is just so plain and boring and emotional and spineless. Here's my review of Delirium for thoughts on Lena.

And here's a bonus videos of a cat that accurately describe me sneaking around to steal Christmas on the Christmas Eve.

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  1. Hah, this is a fun tag! I've never read anything by Cassie Clare. My sister read the first one but couldn't really muster up the enthusiasm to keep going. She figures she might have liked it more if she were younger.


    1. I do have love-hate relationship with her books. Sometimes they're amazing, but other times they're too cliche...


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